

Editorial Direction

Kévin Donnot

Élise Gay

Anthony Masure

Editorial Coordination

Julia Lamotte

with Phœbe Clarke

Graphic Design

E+K – Élise Gay & Kévin Donnot


Kévin Donnot

Anthony Masure


Mylène Czyzniak EN → FR

Kévin Donnot EN → FR

Anthony Masure EN → FR

Aviva Cashmira Kakar FR → EN

Dawn M. Cornelio FR → EN

Copy Editing

Armelle Isnard (FR)

Aviva Cashmira Kakar (EN)


Agipo (Radim Peško, 2014)

Thanks to our authors for their contributions

Yves Citton

Chloé Delaume

Johanna Drucker

Vilém Flusser

Lucile Haute

Nathan Jones

Étienne Mineur

Dan Rubin

Sam Skinner

Nicolas Tilly

Alexia de Visscher

and for their invaluable help

Phœbe Clarke

Tony Côme

Victor Guégan

All efforts have been made to contact the rightful owners with regards to copyrights and permission. We apologize in advance for any omissions and any necessary rectifications will be made.

Please address all enquiries to Fork Edition: